Gift Cards for Success.
Amazing Facts about Gift Cards that help you Drive Impressive Sales!
There is no doubt that gift cards or online gift certificates are among the No 1 gifts these days and in any holiday season. Various industries have seen this already for some years before March 2020. But looking back at the 2020 holiday season, when many locations were still in lockdown, gift cards became one of the hottest holiday presents. Additionally, the need for Wellness and Self-care was more needed than ever; hence, the Gift of Wellness became even more relevant. Studies show that this trend for gift cards seen in 2020 as the top gift choice will continue. Here is some good news:
"48% of our survey respondents confirmed they are planning to gift 'experiences' - from concert tickets to spa days." - Isn’t this the most exciting news for your Spa and Wellness facility???!!
Yes, it is, but let’s consider what this means for our industry. I would like you to consider a few things if you want to take advantage of this trend and prepare for the upcoming season as of today:
I advocate that Spa and Wellness facilities should offer physical gift cards AND online gift certificates. Please speak to your Spa software provider about how its system supports this. If I had to choose among them, the online one would win!
Have a display at your Spa reception showing a physical gift card to remind your guests. Starting six weeks before the holiday, i.e., Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Christmas, etc., your team may even include into their check-out routine to share about special deals or just the fact that you have gift cards available for the upcoming holiday.
Train your team to ask the right questions when someone comes to buy a gift card. Even with gift card sales, up-sells can go a long way and sometimes add 50% or even double the initial stated amount.
For online gift certificates, you want to have various templates available. Hence, your guests have options to choose from for the different holidays but also for special occasions throughout the year.
Prepare and train your team on a sample gift card wrapping so they present a GIFT to their loved ones, which they will offer with pride. Remember, a touch of your Spa will be gifted, and you want your image to be truly reflected.
Gift Cards and Gift Certificates need to be promoted. Creating awareness is a big part of success. The marketing team of your hotel needs to support your efforts. Stay close to them and devise a plan to spread the word.
The good thing is the efforts will pay off each year more easily as the snowball effect will help spread the word for you. Each client purchasing a gift card does free marketing for your Spa! That's why I have always told my teams that the purchase AND the redemption of gift cards are enormous opportunities for the future success of our Spa. We should show the same gratitude to the purchaser for offering a Gift Card from us as to a guest who comes in for a service. I'll let you digest this thought for a second. -
To show this gratitude, here are some thoughts on how to show your appreciation and pamper this purchaser: Offer a refreshment in the reception lounge. This could be a holiday cookie, a cup of tea, a water bottle with or without water enhancement drops, or a glass of bubbles if Gift Cards over a certain amount were purchased. In addition, you can offer a refreshing, scented towel. Or each purchaser receives a candle sample. There are no limits to your creativity and a way for each budget.
One aspect of gift cards is non-deniable: They boost sales and revenue for your business. If you need some arguments to get support from your finance or marketing team, here are some key points to remember:
Gift cards attract new customers to your business who may not have otherwise visited.
Gift cards encourage repeat business from existing customers.
Offering gift cards increases brand awareness and improves customer loyalty.
Gift cards are a great way to promote special promotions or sales.
Gift cards are a convenient and flexible option for customers unsure of what to purchase as a gift.
Electronic gift cards are cost-effective and eco-friendly for businesses and customers.
Offering gift cards can help your business stand out from competitors not offering this service.
Gift cards can be a great way to generate revenue during slow periods or off-season.
I am sure I got you excited! If so, then get ready now, as gift card season is EVERY day.
Take the lead in gift card sales.
Our FREE gift card guide with tips and a 30-day challenge is designed to help your business increase sales and attract new customers. You will boost your sales, improve customer loyalty, and set yourself up for success.