Signature Treatments for Success.

How unique Signature Treatments push for greater results in your Spa!

Have you come across Spa Menus and wondered why one of the signature treatments was classified under signature treatments. Have you ever wondered when browsing a Spa Menu of another Spa than yours, how the highlighted signature treatments were connected to each other and/ or to the Spa’s concept? You did??! I am not surprised. I had those experiences many times myself.

But let’s make sure, no one is wondering the same way about our own Spa Menu. Some years back I learnt, what a signature treatment actually should look like and I am sharing this here!

Signature Treatments for Success - Spa Blog

I got a clear vision on what signature treatments are. Those are treatments which are unique to my Spa, they have been created particularly for my Spa and they tie into my Spa’s Concept. - Signature treatments are treatments your Spa should be the most proud of, the ones you would have a journalist experience in order to share who you are and what your Spa stands for. Those are the treatments that allow your Spa to distinguish itself from its competition and win over your competitors.

In many of the Spas I worked in, I challenged my teams to come up with signature treatments. My teams LOVED this as they had a chance to contribute to our Spa’s success and get a wonderful recognition and motivation back, when seeing how they may be featured even in the press or on social media.

Some Spas are struggling with finding the right idea, concept, and vision for their Spa and ultimately for their signature treatments? Here some guiding thoughts that help to overcome and ease this effort:

  • What is your Spa Concept? What is your Spa known for? What makes your Spa unique?

  • Speak with your product houses/ brand partners to discuss opportunities to come up with treatment protocols developed exclusively for your Spa. Try to tie in those treatments into your Spa Concept for a stronger authenticity.

  • Brainstorm with your teams. Even if there might be some crazy or unrealistic ideas, you might find some vision in such a session! Always so worth connecting with your team and highly motivational for them to be part of this process.

  • From experience it is good to create over time several signature treatments: a massage, a facial and a journey which becomes like a little collection and gives more importance to this offer.

  • Price signature treatments at least 10% above other treatments in its category. This values these treatments and tells ‘This is something really special’. Upon a reservation they must be enthusiastically presented, even if a guest does not specifically ask for.

  • Highlight your signature treatments on your Spa Menu and website. An example here .

  • Promote signature treatments among your team. Have all team members experience it… yes, also the attendants!

This article provides you with additional insight on how you can start this journey! Take a read.

I would love to hear the story of your signature treatments or the challenges you face. Share them below and I am happy to help you on this exciting adventure!


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