Spa Uniforms for Success.

5 Proven Secrets You Need to Know When Aiming to Select the Best Spa Uniforms!

Who wants happy teams? - Right, us all! And having our teams comfortable in their uniforms is not just an essential but crucial step to their happiness. Imagine feeling uncomfortable in your pants all day as they are small. I would not be able to concentrate!

May I ask: “Who loves choosing new uniforms for their team?” - I see many heads shaking right now. Some of you may be very passionate about this process, but I have experienced this journey and know it takes much patience, time, and effort. And I also know I am not alone in this feeling.

Fabrics for Uniforms

Fortunately, a Spa Manager is not confronted every year with this process of selecting new uniforms for the Spa team.

Since I know how overwhelming this task of choosing uniforms for your whole team can be, I have put together a list of 5 things to take into consideration when being on this journey:

  1. Uniforms must be practical, which is critical to allowing your team to wear them to perform. Beneficial uniforms are the ones that are designed for staff in a specific job role. The garments must be fit, or the staff will not enjoy it. Your goal must be to identify uniforms that allow your team to complete their everyday tasks efficiently.

  2. The comfort of your employees is critical when they are wearing their uniforms. Consider things like the tasks your employees will do daily and the climate they work in. With this consideration in mind, brief the designers of new uniforms to come up with comfortable styles. Before confirming a new uniform, I usually let one team member in the prototype to get the employees’ voices and feedback.

  3. The colors of your team's uniform should ideally reflect the colors of your Spa. If your Spa is primarily in brown colors, then black uniforms may be a harsh contrast. One source of finding a matching color is from your Spa's logo. Nevertheless, you also want to consider how the uniform looks after work. Especially for the therapists who work all day long with oily products. My TIP: Get a sample piece in. Put all the products you usually use on it and wash it with the cleaner (in-house or external) to see how it returns. The wash test influenced more than once a decision.

  4. Additionally to choosing the best matching color, the style of your team's uniform is essential. The uniform's style also impacts how your guests will perceive your team. The style should adapt to the location and climate: city vs. resort, beach vs. mountain location.

    No matter what you land on regarding the style, you want to ensure the uniform fits your team correctly. A good fit increases employee confidence. Take your employees' sizes and tailor-fit them once they arrive. Also, plan on having styles for both men and women.

  5. Your uniforms' life cycle is critical to ensure they last as long as possible. Think of the duties your team is asked to do and choose a durable uniform for these tasks. Again, I have seen wash tests being done with a sample piece that was washed 25 times to see how it looked then.

It's a big topic and an essential one to get right. The laundry manager of your hotel may be an excellent partner to assist you in this process. 

Your Spa's uniforms reflect your business, and you can give people the best impression of your company by selecting the best uniforms. And I believe the uniforms' comfort and style affect the employee's happiness!

Let us know in the comments if you have questions or share your experience. 


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