Inspirations for You.
For over two decades, one of the most rewarding aspects of my career has been inspiring and motivating my teams. Each day, through our daily briefings, I shared a vision of what is possible, empowering both my team and myself to excel.
My unwavering passion for inspiring others has been a driving force behind our success, leading my teams to achieve numerous international accolades, including the prestigious Forbes Five-Star rating.
Through this Spa & Wellness Blog, I aim to continue inspiring spa professionals to reach new heights of success. My goal is to spark ideas and actions that will naturally elevate and enhance your spa.
Take a productive break to read and enjoy these insights. Allow yourself to reflect, review, and refine your vision, paving the way for even greater success in your spa journey.

Coaching for Success.
I was fortunate enough to work in a work environment where my managers and leaders provided me with coaching. - My perspective has shifted. Initially, it felt awkward since I was not accustomed to receiving regular feedback from the companies I worked with.
Receiving coaching and feedback from my leaders and managers, I have highly valued as an opportunity for my personal and professional growth. Having worked as an operational leader for many years, I felt it was my role to do the same and coach my teams!

Training for Success.
Once, when speaking at a Spa Conference, I was asked: “How do you justify the money you spend on training? How do you justify the loss of revenue during the time of training?”
It is true, that training has a cost. It is true, that training requires time. It is true, that training is an investment. An investment from the Spa leadership team and from each employee, as well as a financial investment. AND it is true, that training is so worth it!!!