New Year’s Resolutions for Success.

My top tips to start powerful into the new year!

A new year is a great chance to reset. It is a chance to review if our processes still work well. It can be a chance for new beginnings, new habits, and new energy.

At the beginning of a new year, I like to plan for the year, establish new goals, and have new or improved habits get me there. So, in today’s blog post, I want to share some of my new year’s resolutions that might help to inspire you for yours.

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When do I start this process of looking closely at the new year? My personal New Year’s Resolutions I usually do together with my husband on one of the cozy afternoons during the holidays. But it’s during the last few days of the year when I get my work ones concrete. In the previous quarter, this process has started professionally with budget meetings, training plans, marketing plan, … . But during those last days of the year, I look at how I want to look back in twelve months at the previous year and take concrete actions that will help take me there.

Here are some of my New Year’s Resolutions for the upcoming year:

  • Plan more! There needs to be a plan to reach the set goals. Too often in the past, I didn’t allow myself time for planning. I schedule now one hour with myself every Monday upfront, where I leave my office to a place where I am undisturbed and able to plan out the week/ month/ quarter ahead.

  • Prioritize smartly! Too often, I have been unproductive by doing tasks that were not urgent but brought me joy! Ultimately critical tasks were often treated last minute and in a rush. With the new year, I want to start with the most painful task to free my mind and be more productive the rest of the day.

  • Take weekly notes on staff performance! Writing reviews is often time-consuming and goes much faster, and is much more complete when you take weekly notes. Therefore every Friday, I schedule 30 minutes and take notes on how our team performed this week: What went exceptionally well, outstanding, and what could have been done better. For some more insight on how to write employee reviews in 4 easy steps, read this post.

  • Schedule a daily 30’ lunch into my agenda upfront! Too often, last-minute meetings are scheduled as my agenda does not reserve time for a break. And I know, my body needs this to stay productive!

  • Drink more and more consistently! I am sure many of you are like me and don’t drink enough. My sister offered me a 20 oz Yeti cup for Christmas. It will be dedicated to my office. I want to drink it twice: before lunch and once after lunch.

Nothing crazy, nothing revolutionary, but efficient! I encourage you to take time this week to note your New Year’s Resolutions. It is such an excellent opportunity to self-reflect on what you want to improve, be self-aware of where you want to get, have the self-discipline to stay on track, and self-esteem that you can achieve your goals.

With this, I wish you a successful and productive year 2022, full of health and happiness!


Valentine’s Day Preparation for Success.


Holiday Celebration for Success.