Inspirations for You.

For over two decades, one of the most rewarding aspects of my career has been inspiring and motivating my teams. Each day, through our daily briefings, I shared a vision of what is possible, empowering both my team and myself to excel.

My unwavering passion for inspiring others has been a driving force behind our success, leading my teams to achieve numerous international accolades, including the prestigious Forbes Five-Star rating.

Spa & Wellness Blog - Verena Lasvigne - International Spa Consultant

Through this Spa & Wellness Blog, I aim to continue inspiring spa professionals to reach new heights of success. My goal is to spark ideas and actions that will naturally elevate and enhance your spa.

Take a productive break to read and enjoy these insights. Allow yourself to reflect, review, and refine your vision, paving the way for even greater success in your spa journey.

The Perfect Retail Price for Success.
Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne

The Perfect Retail Price for Success.

Recently I was in a luxury Spa Boutique, and sunscreen was tagged at $11.50. There are two reactions possible: none and pure acknowledgment or tickling fingers wanting to change this to either $15 or $19.

Guess what was happening in my mind? And with my fingers? … You got me! My fingers were tickling, and I was ready to speak with the Spa Manager and provide her with my knowledge of one of the psychological aspects regarding the art of retail.

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Birthday Celebrations for Success.
Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne

Birthday Celebrations for Success.

I LOVE celebrating my birthday! How about you? - It’s that one day in the year when I allow myself to pamper myself from wake-up to falling asleep. And yes, even me who has worked for so many years in Spas, I still feel in awe when my husband surprises me with a massage or a facial on that day.

But often our guests don’t wait for someone to offer them a Spa experience, but nowadays they plan for their special day and make sure they spoil themselves! - No matter how these birthday guests make it into our Spa, there is one expectation: they want to feel special, loved, and celebrated! So the question is if your Spa ready to cope with these expectations?

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Spa Uniforms for Success.
Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne

Spa Uniforms for Success.

Who wants happy teams? - Right, us all! And having our teams being comfortable in their uniforms is not just an essential but crucial step to their happiness. Imagine you would feel uncomfortable in your pants all day long as they are small. I would not be able to concentrate!

May I ask: “Who loves choosing new uniforms for their team?” - I see many heads shaking right now. Some of you may be very passionate about this process, but I have personally experienced this journey and know it takes much patience, time, and effort. And I also know I am not alone with this feeling.

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Valentine’s Day Preparation for Success.
Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne

Valentine’s Day Preparation for Success.

Happy (almost) Valentine's Day, Spa Boutiques! Since the day of affection is upon us, I believe it's time to remind us about what you and your teams can do to spread the love. Our Spas don't belong to the flowers or gift industry, but there are great ways to point out your V-Day spirit in your retail offering.

As you'll see below, there are many experiences you and your team can create around Valentine's Day to celebrate with your customers and staff and to inspire them. From promotion ideas to effective campaigns, discover some tactics to make the romantic day of the year a profitable one for your Spa & Wellness operation.

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New Year’s Resolutions for Success.
Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne

New Year’s Resolutions for Success.

A new year is a great chance to reset. It is a chance to review if our processes still work well. It can be a chance for new beginnings, new habits, and new energy.

At the beginning of a new year, I like to plan for the year, establish new goals, and have new or improved habits get me there. So, in today’s blog post, I want to share some of my new year’s resolutions that might help to inspire you for yours.

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Price Increase for Success.
Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne

Price Increase for Success.

Over the years, I have initiated and lead price increases in my own Spas and the Spas I oversaw and often this was not a fun activity. But a necessary one! What I have learned, is that it’s important to have a plan and not just to start somewhere.

Lots of work went certainly into your budget for next year. And this new budget has been created with some sort of price increase in mind, so NOW is the time to start acting and to put your budget vision into action. If I can give you one tip upfront: Do not wait until January 1st. You will lose precious days of the new year to start working towards achieving your Spa’s new budget. Let me share what has worked best over the years for the smoothest, hence most effective process.

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Browsing Catalogs for Success.
Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne

Browsing Catalogs for Success.

Just by reading the headline of this Blog Post, you probably think “What has she now in mind?”. And I will get you maybe a little more confused: I always had catalogs from several F&B suppliers in my office and even joined meetings when they came in to meet the F&B team. A MUST!

You would see me sneak into the F&B office and chat with the chefs or stewarding manager, asking for some of their vendors’ catalogs. They always wondered how I could have time for this. Well, for me it was not a loss of time as some thought, but the opposite: I gained time!! What I was sourcing? To be honest, I never knew before. But that was not the question. Only what I found mattered!

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Signature Treatments for Success.
Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne

Signature Treatments for Success.

Have you come across Spa Menus and wondered why one of the signature treatments was classified under signature treatments. Have you ever wondered when browsing a Spa Menu of another Spa than yours, how the highlighted signature treatments were connected to each other and/ or to the Spa’s concept? You did??! I am not surprised. I had those experiences many times myself.

But let’s make sure, no one is wondering the same way about our own Spa Menu. Some years back I learnt, what a signature treatment actually should look like and I am sharing this here!

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On-Boarding for Success.
Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne

On-Boarding for Success.

Let’s start this Blog Post with some questions: How many jobs have you started in your career? - What are your memories from each of your FIRST DAYS at those new jobs? - While you find back these memories, try to remember the feelings you had… the days and night before, the morning of getting ready, when commuting to your new job, when walking for the first time through the employee entrance…

I truly hope that you had some great experiences! If not, let’s dig into what went wrong!

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Retail Experience for Success.
Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne

Retail Experience for Success.

Many times I walk into Spas and how should it be other than that I am attracted to the Boutique. Out of professional curiosity but beyond that: I am literally drawn into it.

Why? I LOVE shopping and I LOVE to see, touch and feel beautiful things. Going into a boutique, I want to get surprised, I want to get this feeling “Wait, I can’t miss out on this!”, I want to discover new brands, I am ready to spontaneously spoil myself a bit, I am looking for an experience. Yes, I want to get a retail experience and get this feeling, this feeling that we aim for our guests to have when they walk into our Spas’ Boutiques.

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